BUS Route. Be here now, Empathy and Compassion, Desire Less. Things I've found to help me worry and stress less and be a bit happier.

The B.U.S Route... Advice to help you worry and stress less, and be a bit happier.

BE HERE NOW: Accept the uncertainty of the future and the mistakes of the past and live in the moment. Change focus. Be mindful. Observe your thoughts and emotions; see them as separate from yourself. You are not your thoughts. Notice mind-wandering. Challenge negative thoughts. Your negative thoughts and moods are probably just passing distractions and probably unrealistic. Know yourself. Have purpose. Worry less about what others think. Get out and exercise. Get into nature. Get enough healthy food. Get enough sleep. Use music. Drink less alcohol. Take notice. Be aware. See. Hear. Feel. Observe. Slow down. Relax. Concentrate on calm breaths. Have patience. Use your attention well, on things that make you happy, not unhappy. Limit social media. Limit news. Limit screen time and device use. Read. Learn. Write. Be creative. Over-think less. Don't take things too seriously. Concentrate on one job or thing at a time. Seek positives. Things could be worse. Trust the process of life. Trust the future. Go with the flow. Be a realistic optimist. Plan to cope. You can handle anything.

UNDERSTANDING, EMPATHY & COMPASSION: Friendliness and kindness for others. Accept others. Be kind to yourself. Accept yourself. Be tolerant and open-minded. Forgive. We're much more the same than different. Focus on our similarities rather than our differences. We're all interconnected, interrelated, interdependent and made of the same stuff. Love nature. Live naturally. Live easy. Don't work too hard. Do work you enjoy. Manage fear. Manage anger. Don't hate. Rise above it. Judge less. Love. Use imagination well. Be honest. Smile. Laugh. Use humour. Have fun. Persevere. Learn to problem solve. Connect with others. Talk to others about your problems and listen to others about their problems. Help improve conditions for others and yourself.

SHRINK DESIRES: Less attachment to property, work, money, alcohol, sex, hopes, ambitions, success, plans, opinions, beliefs, time, places, emotions, thoughts, your self and your ego. Let go of "what ifs", "shoulds", ideals, wants, expectations, ruminations and what you fear to lose. Live by values that matter. Think independently. Be questioning. Let go of the small stuff. Focus on what matters. Look for a different perspective. Look at the big picture. Don't compare yourself to others. Everything changes. Accept imperfection. This too shall pass. Accept impermanence. Change what you can. Accept what you can't change, then move on. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Build resilience, adaptability and flexibility. Build confidence. Manage desires. Obsess less. Resist Consumerism. Live simply. Give more. Expect less. Be humble. Be grateful and satisfied with what you have.

Glenn Herbert 2018

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